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job application


Do you think you have what it takes to be part of the Versa team?

Our current open positions available are: Crude Driver, Vacuum Driver.

    Profile - Fill out profile information

    Complete each section. Don´t worry, we´ll tell you forget anything important.

    Contact Info

    Current Address

    Military Service

    Military Reserve


    Employment History-Fill out current/previous employment history.

    Complete each section. Don´t worry, we´ll tell you forget anything important

    Current/Previous Employer #1
    May we contact?

    Start Date

    End Date

    Employment History-Fill out current/previous employment history.

    Complete each section. Don´t worry, we´ll tell you forget anything important

    Current/Previous Employer #2
    May we contact?

    Start Date

    End Date

    Employment History-Fill out current/previous employment history.

    Complete each section. Don´t worry, we´ll tell you forget anything important

    Current/Previous Employer #3
    May we contact?

    Start Date

    End Date

    Education History-Fill out past education history (highest level first).

    Complete each section. Don´t worry, we´ll tell you forget anything important

    Education Level #1 (highest level)
    Education Leve

    Education Level #2
    Education Level

    Education Level #3
    Education Level

    Work Conditions - Please fill out any of the folowing work conditions that relate ti you.

    Complete each section. Don´t worry, we´ll tell you forget anything important

    Limits of ability for job
    Are there conditions that limit your ability to perform the job you are applying for

    Legal right to work in US
    Can you provide documentation of your legal right to work in the United State

    Other Questions - Please try to answer as many of the following questions as possible.

    Other Questions

    Have you ever worked for Versa Enterprises before?

    If yes: When & where did you work for Versa? Why did you leave?

    Are you now employed

    If not, how long since leaving last employment?

    Rate of new pay expected?

    Can you provide your last 10 years of work history?

    Haw many years of driving experience do you have?

    Haw many years of work history do you have?

    Where you referred? y/n If so, please specify.

    Resume / Documents - Please upload any relevant documents such as your resume.

    Browse or Drag/Drop documents

    Certify - Please read the following and attest to all the information that you provided with an e-Signature below


    I certify that the information given in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the information may be verified by the Company and I hereby authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application for employment. If I am employed, in consideration of my employment, I agree to abide by all the rules and policies of the Company. I also agree that the duration of my employment will not be for any specified term and may be terminated by me at will or at the will of the Company, with or without cause, and with or without notice, at any time. I understand that only the President of the Company has the authority to enter into an agreement for any specified period of time, or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing, and then only if it is done in writing and signed by the President.

    In the event of employment, I understand that false or misleading information given in my application or interview(s) may result in my discharge from employment.

    U.S. law requires that if hired you must furnish your social security card and one of the following documents within 72 hours of starting work:

    A card issued by Federal, State or local government showing your identity; Driver's license or state issued I.D. card with photo; Certificate of Naturalization (No Social Security Card Needed); Current INS forms with employment authorization stamp; U.S. passport (No Social Security Card Needed); Voter's registration card; U.S. military card or other draft card; School I.D. card with photo

    If you do not have a social security card, you may present an original or copy of a U.S. birth certificate, or Department or State Forms FS-545 or DS-1350 or INS Forms I-327, I-571, I-197, I-179.

    There may be other documents authorized by the INS which you may use to establish your identity and legal right to work. If you have questions, please ask the manager for details.

    If hired, Federal law required that you furnish documentation showing your identity and that you are legally authorized to work in the United States.

    I understand that before any offer of employment is finalized, I may be required to submit to urinalysis testing at a medical clinic selected by the company, at the company's expense. Prior to testing, I agree to sign a release form for authorizing the testing and the release of the results to the company. I understand that if test results demonstrate the presence of unprescribed drugs, controlled substances or alcohol, I will not be offered a position with the company.


    I have read my rights under the (E-Sign Act). By typing my name below, I understand I am electronically signing this document and agreeing with the statements above.

    Type your name here*

    REVIEW - Final Step.

    Please review each section for accuracy and then click the Submit button below.
    SuccessEverything has been sent to us successfully. After things are reviewed, you will be contacted with next steps. Thank you.